I’m Christy, founder, content creator, complete blogging newbie and head stumbler and bumbler of the website. Welcome to my space!
I am a hider, a seeker and a lover.
I am the mother of daughters while learning how to be a mother to myself.
I am someone who creates.

I have been a Stay-At-Home-Mum since 2013, only briefly going back to work in 2019. I hold down the domestic fort with my loving and supportive partner, our two daughters – our complete and pure pieces of the universe – and our two ginger kitties. Together with a flock of tiny raptors and a variety of other farm animals we reside on 100 acres of family land in Southern Ontario. The hobby farm is my mother-in-law’s happy place. While managing the operations she hands down many years of experienced knowledge and this townee has received quite the education! Over the past couple of years we have also been a surrogate family to an orphaned chicken named Pigeon, a pot belly pig named Horty and the world’s friendliest sheep, Shane Dali. Each and every one of these creatures have found a home in my heart and here at the farm. I delight in caring for them and they have given me so much in return.
The property that we live on seems to contain a magical energy. An energy that, to me, is familiar, intuitive and where my soul feels truly at peace, at home. I have sat and marveled at the foot of our Norway Spruce trees. Listened to the birds and watched the squirrels scurry. I have witnessed the resilience of the delicate, the small and the presumably weak. I have witnessed their survival and endurance in the harshest of winters and I have been amazed, inspired and moved. It took a few years to understand that this property was also responsible for uncovering a long ago, secret day dream of becoming a white witch, of wild crafting and learning the environment and the natural benefits therein. Living so close with nature and natural cycles has also ignited a desire to learn about the mystery of my heritage, the practices and beliefs of that heritage and how I might continue to explore and approach that in this space.
I am a self-taught, passionate home chef creating healthy options for my family while always tweaking and improvising my growing list of specialties and favourite comfort foods. One of the challenges of having kids has been getting them to eat a variety of vegetables and healthy foods. My daughters are decent eaters but they tend to dislike variety. Here I would like to document and share my recipes, the successes and failures. I love to find ways to be creative while preparing the healthiest of family foods. By substituting and hiding and sneaking in the good stuff I will aim to deliver a variety of fun foods you can try with your family!
I have a few personal and professional goals to tackle with this project of mine and all of these topics of conversation are what I would like to share with you! All the while, continuing to expand my knowledge, skills, my heart and my community. I am here. I am ready. I am so grateful for you and your presence!